edoardo's notes

Day 0: Towards the base camp

Perhaps base camp is a bit of a misnomer: Bolzano is only 262 meters above sea level, but it will still be our initial foothold. Tomorrow1 morning a train and bus will take us to Val di Fiemme, the real starting point.

As much as this Sentiero Italia 2022 will not be an ambitious mountaineering endeavor, we will try to do something that a little bit will be: here on these pages (tag #sentiero Italia) we will keep a travel diary for two2, a few lines in which to tell about the day, what we saw, what we talked about, our impressions or emotions. And if the internet connection will allow us, some photos as well. I am already convinced that something interesting will come out.

Here we go! 🏔

  1. Important note: this and the subsequent posts tagged with #sentiero Italia have been originally written as a journal during the trekking in July 2022. These are a translation and adaptations of those pages.

  2. I admit that I was inspired by watching Luis Buñuel's film The Milky Way. Okay, perhaps that’s too high an expectation, and I certainly don't think I will reach those levels. But I said it will just be an inspiration, right?

#hiking #sentiero Italia