edoardo's notes

Day 10: Slowly

Despite my slightly injured knee, I managed to walk 18 km even today. I had a consultation with a physiotherapist who gave me a couple of tips and some stretching/mobility exercises to do: I did some of them at the 5 o'clock pit stop, but from tomorrow I have to take it seriously or I'll never get out of this.

It’s hard not to get carried away by the group. We want to arrive together with someone at all costs, to keep each other company from a distance, as long as our tents are close. We’re all looking for some human warmth.

I have to reach Paradise Valley by Sunday because it’s the longest stretch I can do with the food I have. But I can't overdo it, I have to keep my pace slow but constant. Tomorrow there will be a bit more uphill, while today we did a maximum of 400 meters for the whole day. And ascents and descents are the toughest for my knee. But I can do it. I have to. This is not the day I give up.

They all say that the PCT is very easy to follow. It’s true
They all say that the PCT is very easy to follow. It’s true

The famous “Eagle Rock”
The famous “Eagle Rock”

It feels like walking through The Shire
It feels like walking through The Shire

#PCT #hiking