edoardo's notes

Day 21: Three weeks on trail

From the Whitewater Preservation Area, one of the most relaxing campgrounds we’ve been so far. A prelude to a couple of pretty tough days because the dreaded crossing of Mission Creek awaits us: the trail was swept away last year by Hurricane Hillary, and what remains is the bed of a huge river – the creek of the name – and we’ll have to make up the trail. Even the PCTA, the association that manages and safeguards the trail, has advised against hiking through Mission Creek because of the absence of the trail itself. Nothing particularly dangerous, but the risk of getting lost is concrete. An additional problem will be finding suitable places to camp in the evening. Will we make it? We have to, one way or another 💪🏻

Signboard stands outdoors displaying distances; text reads ‘Pacific Crest Trail, Welcome to Section C, 132.9 miles, Mission Creek Camp 27.0, Highway 18 53.9, Littlebear Spr Camp 72.5, Highway 173 101.4, Interstate 15 130.4.' Clear blue sky and rugged terrain with sparse vegetation.
Highway 18 will be our destination. Then, the town of Big Bear Lake
Cluster of cacti with bright magenta flowers blooms in arid, rocky terrain surrounded by dry grass and scattered stones.
Same desert flowers, always fascinating
Dry riverbed cutting through a vast, rugged desert valley, surrounded by arid hills and distant mountain ranges under a clear, bright blue sky.
Mission Creek’s riverbed: we will walk in it for a good part without any trace of a trail

#PCT #hiking