edoardo's notes

Day 29: Rauros Falls

First, a personal achievement: I've hiked three hundred miles1 on the PCT šŸŽ‰

In the list of ā€things I partly regretā€, I have to include todayā€™s detour for the backpack swap. Four hours (and a good burger sandwich) to get rid of my 40-liter Hyperlite Unbound (I felt sad to let it go šŸ˜­) and swap it with a brand new, 55-liter Durston. Iā€™m not thrilled about the material (I would have preferred the Dyneema2 fabric), but I had to make a choice between availability and aesthetics/taste. Since the 40-liter one had become a snare for my shoulders, I preferred to make the change as soon as possible. Iā€™m more worried about how it will withstand a heavy rainfall but I donā€™t think it matters too much. And now I have another backpack to add to my collection. Hooray!

Another pretty intense day today, and Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m chasing too much the people walking ahead of me or passing me. I donā€™t think theyā€™re going that much faster, but even five or ten percent is enough, and the distance becomes significant until you stop. Amen. Letā€™s always remember that I decide the rules of my PCT: not Fabio, not Alex, nor anyone else faster or slower than me.

In my self-talks, I returned to the issue of social media again, and why I believe that, in the long run, they are harmful to most people, including myself. I thought about Seneca and, again, Dino Lanzaretti because I think he was inspired by the Latin philosopher. I donā€™t mind walking alone, but I havenā€™t tried to be really alone yet: thereā€™s always someone I know waiting for me at the camp-spot Iā€™m heading to.

Tomorrow I would like to start listening to audiobooks. I canā€™t decide whether to continue Jack Reacher (even though I donā€™t remember much of the book I started a few months ago), or to start David Foster Wallace or Sciascia3, both short books (a few hours at most). Iā€™m also saving todayā€™s episode of Morning for later because it will be a long day: weā€™ll probably do another thirty-kilometer stretch, Iā€™d better have some stuff to fill the time with.




A gently flowing river winds through a rocky canyon with large boulders and shrubs on either side, under a partly tree-covered, hilly landscape.
This place reminded me of the ā€œFalls of Raurosā€ of the river Anduin
  1. About 480 km.

  2. Maybe it will be worth making a post where I try to explain the jargon of some of the materials used in the backpacking world. If I remember correctly, I have a degree in materials science.

  3. I want to read ā€œA Supposedly Fun Thing Iā€™ll Never Do Againā€ and ā€œThe Disappearance of Majoranaā€.

#PCT #hiking