edoardo's notes

Day 37: The last mountains

🌎 Where am I?

And here I am at four hundred miles on the PCT 🎉 I don’t know how many times I said that we should celebrate such a milestone. Now there are only 2200 more to go.

Between today and tomorrow we will finish this mountainous part begun before arriving at Wrightwood. Once we are back “on the plains,” the mountains will return in a few hundred miles, and then it will get serious because it will be the Sierra Nevada. I am both curious and intimidated by this slow approach of the section considered the most difficult of the entire trail. Will I be up to it?

For a few days I’ve been saying that I want to start reading a book, but I never do. Tomorrow is going to be another long day – we have another thirty kilometers ahead of us – so there will be no shortage of empty time. Today, however, I only listened to an episode of “Globo,” very interesting, about Trump and his place in American politics and culture. I am no longer keeping up with the daily “Morning” because I had no internet connection for the last few days, and when there was some, it was not so reliable. And that's okay.



Pinecones arranged to form the number '400' lie on a sunlit forest floor surrounded by trees and dry vegetation.
We made it to four hundred✌🏻
Green, bushy plants grow along a sunny dirt path in a semi-arid landscape, surrounded by scattered rocks, dry grasses, and sparse vegetation.
A poodle dog bush. It is easy to notice that it is nearby because it smells very similar to marijuana.


#PCT #hiking