edoardo's notes

Day 9: A gift from the hundredth mile

First official milestone, marked on the path: hundred miles (or 160 km).

A hundred miles or 160 kilometers
A hundred miles (or 160 kilometers) 🎉

Alas, it has not been a good day: I got my first heel blister on the right foot – I never get blisters on my feet – and, even worse, there is this muscle or tendon pain in my left knee: in 2022 it was the right knee, now it’s the other one. I cannot say if it's the same problem – in the end, I do not even know what the problem was in 2022 - but it worries me a lot: it's an acute pain and difficult to bear, especially the steeper climbs and descents. I think it’s a case of overuse; I pushed too hard in the previous days and now I need to rest. But if it’s the same as the other knee, then I would not have much chance to continue because I would need months to recover. Tomorrow morning, I managed to make an appointment with an itinerant physiotherapist who takes care of these hiker problems during the season. I am a bit skeptical because it will be an online appointment, but it’s all I can do right now. One of my biggest fears has come true; now I have to find the best way to react. What is the worst that I could have to deal with?


L’unica persona che mi accompagna sempre.
The only person who never leaves me alone.


#PCT #hiking